Greetings from Wyoming, yesterday was a off day. A day to relax and take care of some post processing, work on social media and the important laundry run. This morning we headed over to Jackson Lake for a sunrise shoot and it wasn’t disappointing. We then headed over to Oxbow Bend took a few shots while the light was good. As most of you know, sunrise shoots aren’t alway with the sun, but to chase that nice glowing light and the mountains face east so that’s why the mountains have that nice glow to them.
After Oxbow, we headed north to chase some “critters.” It’s kinda easy to find out where the wildlife hangs around, just look for the traffic jams. I got an opportunity to photograph “Blondie” a grizzly bear who is a cub from the famous Grizzly Bear 399. Blondie has two cubs of her own. Talking to the rangers, both 399 and Blondie hand out close to the road because it keeps them safe from the male bears who would attack and kill the cubs so that he can have his bloodline continue. This makes for a great soap opera, hmmm? “As the Bears Roam”
Tomorrow We’ll be heading north to Yellowstone to go photograph some of the best geological sites on earth as well as some wildlife. So get ready for some really cool images.
Sunrise on Jackson Lake. Those peaks glowed for a few minutes, but well worth it.
This is how you find wildlife in the National Parks. This reminds me of the Palmetto.
Here’s a small group of photographers taking images of the bears
“Blondie” going taking her morning stroll looking for some breakfast.