Yet another week has come and gone. This week, well let’s just say it went to the toilet. Started out pretty good with editing some photos of the Blessing of the Fleet, then worked on my pricing sheet for the potential real estate clients. Then Wednesday rolled around and I join a few other retirees for lunch. I guess they add me just to keep the average age of the group below 80. No, they’re a great bunch of guys, some are native Charlestonians. Yes, that’s a word y’all. That evening Malena and I hit up one of our favorite pizza joints. Then a few hours later... Disaster. I felt horrible for the next two days. I guess it was either a stomach bug or something I ate but man did I feel horrible. All I did was watch tv and suffer for the next two days. Friday was May 4th and for all us Star Wars geeks a day we live for, but not this year! I celebrated it right in front of the tv watching Rogue One. Malena nursed me back to health with her chicken soup and TLC. Thanks babe.
Saturday was Cinco de Mayo, an American celebration of a Mexican victory over Spain in some battle. I guess we need an excuse to party. Our neighbors invited us to go with them over to some friend’s house and celebrate both Cinco de Mayo and the 144th running of the Kentucky Derby. What a beautiful home they have, right on the banks of the Ashley River looking at the Ravenel Bridge off in the distance. Pretty cool place to watch a horse race. The weekend finished off with meeting a few more potential business clients and a documentary movie on the history of Freeriding mountain biking at a local brewery.
Next week is what I call the holy day of obligation and looking forward to another year with friends and family. Malena and I will be down in Miami for the weekend to spend it with our mother’s. Then on Wednesday, I fly out to Wyoming. I’ll be there for the next ten days photographing The Grand Teton and the famous Yellowstone National Park. So today I started to pack all my camera gear. Lots of gear and other gear I rented that should be there when I arrive. I’ll post a picture of my gear. Well until next week, make it prosperous and have fun.
Here’s my photo gear that will be traveling with me. I use Canon gear but there’s a Sony in the mix as well. 6dm1, 16-35mm f4, 28-75mm f2.8, 70-300L, Samyang 14mm 2.8, 28mm f1.8 a 10 stop ND filter, 2 circular polarizers, a Sony a6000 with a Rokinon 12mm f2.8, a few cable releases and that little orange box is a MIOPS controller. It does a little bit of everything, it’s my lightning trigger, intervelometer, cable release. It’s controlled all via Bluetooth to my phone. And my rocket blower to clean out the sensors. All that plus a 15” laptop computer fit into that backpack.
Here it is all packed up and ready to go. I guess I’ll make my appointment with the chiropractor when I get back.