As the title to the blog says, it’s been a while. My last blog post was back on May 23 when I was still in Wyoming. What a great trip, I spent 10 days photographing some amazing landscapes and wildlife around Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. I went with fellow photographer Jason Eldridge who’s the host of The Nature Photography Podcast, if you haven’t heard his podcast go on over and check him out.
Friday was a long day, I woke up at the usual 4:30 A.M. and packed up, Jason dropped me off at the bus terminal where I would grab a shuttle over to Salt Lake City Airport. Once I arrived at the airport, I attempted to check in my baggage, well the airline had a different idea. They told me since it’s a midnight flight, I couldn’t check them in until 8:00 P.M., I’m like “ WTF!!” So I called up my favorite administrative assistant, my brilliant wife, who got me a great room at a nearby hotel. Ahhh....
Lucky me the hotel has a shuttle heading to the airport and picked me up and took me to my sanctuary. Dropping off the luggage and grabbing a quick lunch I headed out to explore Salt Lake City. SLC is a growing city with some history, I may have to go back and explore it some more in the future. I was dropped off in front of the capital building and it is a beautiful building. I then walked over to the Church of Latter Day Saints, AKA the Mormans. What an impressive place. Took a few shots of the front with its water fountain. But I had to cut my explorations short, I was feeling a bit tired and needed to get some sleep, so back to the hotel I went. After a nice shower and a quick power nap I was ready for the journey back home.
The first leg was the red eye from Salt Lake City to Charlotte, I’m not one for sleeping on airplanes but I did get some shut eye. Landed in Charlotte a few minutes early so it help with getting some food in me. That Charlotte-Charleston flight is quick, I calculated it was 45 minutes. Once I landed, got my bags and my lovely wife who’ve I have not seen for 10 days picked me up and along with her sister, we headed off to Lake Lure, N.C. For the long weekend. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, “It must be nice to do all this traveling and photography.” Well, it is but, it is tiring. I guess if I did it for a living I’d get used to it.
Lake Lure, N.C. what a great place to just unwind and forget about the world and its troubles. My brother in law has an amazing place up in the mountain top and with a view out to the valley. Sunday, we headed out and explored two waterfalls that were just incredible, not only to see but to one to get to. While hiking these trails I was planing on doing something for next year, you’re just going to have to wait a bit on that.
As Monday approached, we headed back to Charleston and home... Wow, after all the traveling and photographing I did, all I wanted was to sleep in my own bed. So I’ve been busy getting the real estate photography business up and running, I finally got South Carolina to accept me as a business, made some flyers and made some contacts. Things are starting to go forward. I’m looking forward to seeing what this next week has to offer. Which by the way, stay tuned, I have an announcement coming up. Until then, stay focus and enjoy yourself!!
Watching the rain and fog roll in from the comfort of home.